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13 Habits Of Mentally Strong People


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Mentally strong people are much more capable of handling life's stress and uncertainties. They are better equipped to live a happier life irrespective of the curve balls life throws at them. Mentally strong people are GRATEFUL for everything they have. Mentally strong people are also more FORGIVING than most others. Find out how many of these 13 qualities of mentally strong people do you posess. Learn how to lead a happier and joyful life with these quick tips.

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Here are the highlights from the book "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do" by Amy Morin.

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Mentally strong people replace self-pity with gratitude
Mentally strong people hold on to their power and forgive others.
Mentally strong people are ready to embrace change.

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Mentally strong people don't get distracted by things they can't control.
Mentally strong people don't envy other people's success. Instead, they seek to collaborate with other successful people.
Mentally strong people are comfortable being alone and use meditation to become more resilient.
Mentally strong people are not afraid of taking calculated risks.

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They understand that they cannot always please everyone. Sometimes, displeasing makes you stronger.
They come to terms with the past more easily.
Mentally strong people avoid making the same mistakes. They are more self-disciplined.
Mentally strong people don't give up easily. They are self compassionate about failure.

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They concentrate on giving rather than taking.
Mentally strong people understand that achievements take time and that progress isn't always immediately apparent.

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